Tech Tip: Ready Player Me Avatar Workflow

July 14, 2020

Sado Rabaudi

Video example in Vizard 

Here are the steps to utilize the “Ready Player Me” avatar heads in Vizard, where you can generate an avatar head from a single selfie (using webcam or upload an image) and download as a .glb file

1. Go here to make your avatar from a single selfie

2. Download .glb file and open in Inspector (open Vizard and choose Tools- Inspector)

3. In Inspector, use the translate tools to move the avatar head to the ground plane. Make sure eyes are at:
0 in the “X” axis , just so eyes are level with 0 in the “Y” axis and just back so that the eyes aren’t being seen in front of your own in the “Z” axis.
You may also need to rotate the head 180 degrees.

4. Save the head model from Inspector as a .OSGB model into the folder where you will have your main Vizard script

5. Go to Tools- Vizconnect and choose a preset with a tracked “mark” avatar (such as the Vive or Oculus preset) and set the head to not be visible by going to Advanced- Avatars-

Settings- uncheck Head of avatar

6. Save your vizconnect file in your main Vizard script folder (name it “vizconnect_config”, or another name of your choosing). 

7. Create a new Vizard script in this folder and add the following code to link the avatar to the head model:  

import viz

import vizfx

import vizconnect


head=vizfx.addChild('head.osgb') #This is the name of your head object 

headNode = vizconnect.getAvatar().getAttachmentPoint('head').getRaw()


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