Converting Unity Scenes to Vizard and SightLab VR Pro: A Comprehensive Guide

March 14, 2024

Unity and Vizard are platforms serving different realms of 3D development. Unity, with its powerful game engine, has become a staple in game development, while Vizard is a Python-based platform specializing in virtual reality applications. This article aims to guide developers through the process of converting Unity scenes to Vizard, leveraging both Unity's FBX exporter tool and the power of AI models like ChatGPT or Claude.

1. Understanding the Scene

Before diving into the conversion process, it is essential to analyze the Unity scene to understand its components, including 3D models, materials, lighting, animations, and behaviors scripted in C#.

2. Exporting Assets Using FBX Exporter
this article for more information on this part of the process.

2.1 Installing the FBX Exporter

In Unity, go to the Package Manager, select Unity Registry, find the FBX exporter, and install it.

2.2 Preparing the Scene for Export

  • Delete the lights in the Unity scene.
  • Select all objects in the scene through 'Edit -> Select All'.

2.3 Exporting to FBX

  • Go to 'Game Objects -> Export to FBX'.
  • Configure the options, such as choosing whether to export animations.

3. Converting to glTF (Optional)

For built-in PBR textures, you can convert the FBX file to glTF/glb using online converters such as:

  • [](
  • A program such as Blender that imports fbx and exports glTF/glb

Note: The process of exporting models from Unity to Vizard seems to work best if you bring the exported FBX models into the free 3D model editor Blender, then from Blender use the export as .glTF/.glb option. When you do that, the textures should look correct. See this article for more information

4. Importing Assets into Vizard

4.1 Opening in Vizard's Inspector

Open the FBX or glTF file in Vizard's Inspector tool.

4.2 Scaling and Adjusting

- Scale the scene to the desired value, such as 0.1.

- Add lights and edit textures to achieve the needed appearance, including PBR adjustments.

5. Translating Behaviors and Scripts

5.1 Using Chat-GPT/ Claude/Gemini/CoPilot, etc. 

For complex scripts, you can leverage AI models like Chat-GPT by providing specific prompts describing the Unity code and requesting Python code for Vizard.Note for Chat-GPT, you will get far better results with the paid version using GPT-4, than the free 3.5. The new Claude 3 will work very well for coding also. 

5.2 Manual Translation

Analyze the Unity scripts and manually translate them into Python, keeping the logic and behaviors consistent.

6. Testing, Adjusting, and Optimization

- Thoroughly test the Vizard scene to ensure it behaves as expected.

- Optimize models, textures, and code for efficient performance.

7. Documentation

- Document any significant changes or deviations to maintain clear records.

8. Example Prompt

I have a Unity scene that includes a bouncing ball, which changes color every time it hits the ground. The following C# code in Unity is used to control the ball's behavior:

Could you please convert this Unity code to a Vizard script in Python that reproduces the same bouncing ball behavior, including the color change on each bounce?

Result from ChatGPT

Certainly! Below is the Python code that replicates the behavior of the bouncing ball in Vizard, as described in the provided Unity code. This script creates a ball that bounces vertically and changes color every time it hits the ground.


  • The `update_ball` function replicates the behavior described in the Unity script's `Update` method. It checks if the ball's position is at or below 0 and updates the velocity and position accordingly.
  • The `change_color` function is called every time the ball hits the ground, generating random RGB values to change the ball's color.

You might need to adjust the scale, initial position, or other parameters to fit your specific Vizard scene. Also, note that this code assumes the use of Vizard's default coordinate system and units.


Converting Unity scenes to Vizard can be a complex but manageable process, particularly when using tools like Unity's FBX exporter and AI models such as Chat-GPT. By following the outlined steps and paying attention to details, developers can achieve a seamless transition between these two powerful platforms, unlocking new possibilities in 3D development and virtual reality applications.

Some Common Conversions

1. Scene Management

Unity Vizard Description
Load a new scene or add an object
Set the active scene

2. Transformations

Unity Vizard Description
Set the position of an object
Set the rotation of an object
Set the scale of an object

3. Animation

Unity Vizard Description
Create and control animations

4. User Input

Unity Vizard Description
viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT)or use vizconnect to add input device and map to an event
Key press detection
viz.callback(viz.MOUSEBUTTON_EVENT)use vizconnect to add input device and map to an event
Mouse button detection

5. Physics

Unity Vizard Description
viz.phys.enable() node.collideSphere()
Add physics to an object
Enable collision detection

6. Lighting

Unity Vizard Description
Enable or control lights

7. Materials and Textures

Unity Vizard Description
Create or apply materials
Apply textures

8. Camera Control

Unity Vizard Description
Access the main camera

9. Hardware Setup

Unity Vizard Description
Use XR Interaction Toolkit or set up using third party packages
Use the Vizconnect GUI or add in code
Set up hardware
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